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Tan Yong Kian
Kranji Secondary School
1A'06, 2A'07, 3E'08, 4E'09 GRADUATED!
Anderson Junior College!
OG <32, 21/10
I love NIKAR, Fantastic Four and SUNNY ISLAND!


December 2008
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A Amanda Angie (OG 32) Annita Ashley

B Berenice Brandon

E Emilia

H Haowai Hwaiyi

J Jade Jocelyn Joey Junbo

K Kohqin

L Laura Lily

M Mardiana Megan Meiling Melissa Melissa (1E)

N Nadia


Q Qiuxuan

R Ruofan

S Shaotao Shufen Siewghim

Y Yiying Yusheng Yuting

Z Zhenyi Ziling





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Blogger : 53-percent

044 Break before the hardcores
Saturday, October 10, 2009 10:33 AM

Ooolala everybody!

In less than 2 hours' time, I'll be setting off with my Sister to the Chalet!!! Oh but before that, we'll be heading to Bugis to get some stuff for decoration teehee. I can't wait I can't wait I can't wait I think I'm more excited than my Sister! Hahaha. :D

Let's talk about something more mundane first - school.

Mock exams, mock exams and more mock exams. The school's making a mockery outta us by giving us so many mock exams. It's too packed and draining me out like a toilet pipe! Grrrr. It's fine to have exams more spread out, or even w/o lessons.


Indeed, I'm going gila real soon. I don't think I'm doing well for those exams either. Just wanna do well in Add Mathe cos it's my reputation! Hahahaha. And maybe Physics, I wanna prove to myself I ain't just a 75 mark scorer.

Yeh baybeh.

Okay, I shall continue blogging more bout the party when I've the time! :D

Till then!

043 Feeling tired VS being plain lazy
Sunday, October 4, 2009 1:27 AM

Good day Earthlings!

Received my results last Friday. Gladly, I've improved for ALL SUBJECTS, well except for English and Combined Humanities, which have caused my downfall ever since Lower Sec. :( I dropped 2 marks for the former and maintained for the latter.

Bad bad bad, I told myself then. Now, I've already treated it as a lesson learnt and I must overcome my fears to do well in them!

Anyway, notice the big hamburger up there? Hahaha salivate all you want! :D I'm using it as a metaphor to describe my results this time round! LOL.

Yes, Miss Leong! I got my HAMBURGER RESULTS AGAIN~~~

In case you still don't know what that means...

English - C5
Higher Chinese - A2
E Mathe - A1
A Mathe - A1
Chemistry - A1
Physics - A1
Combined Humanities - C5

See?! A hamburger is meaty, fleshy and juicy on the inside. But on the outside, it's just the mundane, bland and boring bread. Yes, it's hard, very hard.

This is hamburger results. :\ Bah, sorry for my poor description, for those who still don't understand.

Nonetheless, I'm satisfied with all the meaty 'A's I've gotten. At least it's a great achievement for me. I've never, ever in my life, scored 4A1s for my double Mathe and double Science. This shall serve as a form of motivation and push me beyond my limits until 13th Nov is over! :D


Now that Preliminary Examinations 2 are over, here comes the third one. Yes it's literally the Third Prelims, though the school calls it 'Mock exams'. Mockery la!

Yes it's crazy. First they have Prelim 1A, then Prelim 1B, then Prelim 2! Now there's Prelim 3! OMFGIAMGOINGCRAZY! Hahaha. I shouldn't stress myself so much actually. In fact, I'm gonna give myself some form of reward by...


Haha remember this place? Yes if you've read my entry last year,(, you'd have known that I've stayed in there for a night with my Aunt and family!

Yes, this year, I'm going there again! For 2 nights somemore, coolioism! Hahahah :D And as a form a reward, I vow


Hohohoho, omigod I sound so full of myself, but my Sister's doing the same thing as me too! We've promised each other that we'll only be playing Mahjong/poker/whatever games BUT NOT BOOKS! OMG am I gambling my results away? LMAO~

Absolute coolness. Okay I'm getting a little carried away. I wanna play MJ like mad! I didn't get to play that time I stayed there, so this time round, I really hope I can play play play! Hahaha. ;)

Alright, till then! :D