Email/IM 4E'09 Facebook


Tan Yong Kian
Kranji Secondary School
1A'06, 2A'07, 3E'08, 4E'09 GRADUATED!
Anderson Junior College!
OG <32, 21/10
I love NIKAR, Fantastic Four and SUNNY ISLAND!


December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
November 2010


A Amanda Angie (OG 32) Annita Ashley

B Berenice Brandon

E Emilia

H Haowai Hwaiyi

J Jade Jocelyn Joey Junbo

K Kohqin

L Laura Lily

M Mardiana Megan Meiling Melissa Melissa (1E)

N Nadia


Q Qiuxuan

R Ruofan

S Shaotao Shufen Siewghim

Y Yiying Yusheng Yuting

Z Zhenyi Ziling





Layout : CRUSHthespeaker
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Blogger : 53-percent

Saturday, May 30, 2009 9:22 PM

Fret not, this ain't porn. :DDD

And for those who haven't caught it in any of the MRT stations,

I'm so bored. These few days are really boring.

I've just realised, non schooling days make me SLACK. Like, real slack. I didn't study at all these few days, except maybe for A Mathe.


Grrrr, this is getting a little senseless and useless. Never mind.

Series of events:

2 more days: GCE Ordinary Level Mother Tongue Language Examination
3 more days: GCE Ordinary Level Physics SPA Skill 1&2 Examination
6 more days: GCE Ordinary Level Chemistry SPA Skill 1&2 Examination and SYFiesta
27 more days: KPDT Graduation Show

Burnin' up, oh burnin' up baybeh.

Good luck to all taking the Mother Tongue paper on Monday! Do not panic and perform MEMORY DIARRHOEA (just write whatever you can remember, APPROPRIATELY!). Slow and steady when it comes to Comprehension, understanding the passage is key.

Physics SPA. Hmmm, I doubt I can score full marks. I really suck at the apparatus part. I really am not sure if I'm able to get an ammeter or a voltmeter reading. I am afraid, worried, demoralised, upset, VERY WORRIED about it!

Chemistry SPA. No last-minute revision, no gentle reminders, no recap, nothing. I'll have to depend on myself, and of course from friends when we discuss together the important points. Hmmm.

SYFiesta is definitely anticipated! Wheeeee, I wanna go with redbra! We're the Kiasus, we'll definitely get good seats. But the problem lies in CONTACTING her. Her cell's been confiscated until now?!?! How now brown cow, tell me how to contact her? :O

P/S: Oh, and I won't forget flowers for people! So gonna be broke after this.

Grad show. Whoopsie, did I mention I've not memorised the script? Nonetheless, I'm gonna mention it again. I just don't feel like memorising. I guess I have not sense the urgency in me. Maybe I should get scolded by Audrey/Miss Tang before I can really get down to memorise my lines. Still, I feel memorising requires the feel. If the feel's not there, what's the point? :/

Alright, my computer is so screwed. Shall blog next time! Ciao~

031 灰色是不想说,蓝色是忧郁
Wednesday, May 27, 2009 1:55 AM

Peace world.

I'm blogging at a rather constant pace now. I guess it's a good sign, because I'm finally willing to sit in front of my Computer desk and blog. Whooohoooo rejoice :D

Received a phone call from Melissa last evening while I was doing my Creative Essay (用心看世界), she told me I got 79 for E Mathe.

My reaction?

I can't hide the fact that I'm disappointed, but what I can say is, I'm contented. Well, at least it's still a distinction (even though A1 is like, 85?!?!?, considering the fact that I've many careless errors. Can you believe I got the whole SETS question wrong?!?!? It's supposed to be easy, right people?

I bet I've made many unforgiveable mistakes in my Paper 2, shall wait till I see my papers.

To sum this week up (weird, it's not even Friday yet), I feel that it's BORING~

Yes, imagine having to coop yourself up in the AVA Room for at least 6 hours EVERYDAY, from Monday to Friday, studying the SAME subject again and again. Not like it's with a teacher's supervision, it's WITHOUT.

It's totally BORING and UNINTERESTING AND DULL and all! I miss Miss Leong, I miss Miss Kho, I miss Miss Lai I miss my subject teacherszx! Grrrr. So much for O Level Chinese Examination. :(

Owell, on a brighter note, I've gotten so used to doing HCL Mock Papers that I don't feel anything anymore whenever Mdm Yong says there'll be a Mock Paper soon. Like today, hahaha. The papers are always of a certain difficulty, but still do-able I guess :)

Yeh, I'm totally in love with 听海! The lyrics just keeps ringing in my head! AHAHHA we shall now play a game. I'll type the lyrics for 听海 WITHOUT referring to any webpages and you see if I got them right. Deal. Hahaha.

Here goes.





HAHAHA I know I've many many errors. Haha, don't care. :)

Anyway, some photos to lengthen and liven up this entry.

Celebrated JiaQi's and Daniel Chia's birthdays this month! The former's @ Sakae Sushi and the latter's in school. Both had a cake! Hohoho, we love cakes. :D

Other pictures here:


Yeh man. I'm getting a little tired right now. I guess it's time I go. Hahhaa.


030 只是回忆的音乐盒还旋转着
Saturday, May 23, 2009 10:09 PM

Feeling so xo zo bored, I've decided to blog.

Today was spent rather meaningfully with Uziel and Zhenyi, at his house. Did Physics, Mathe and 3 O Level Chemistry MCQ Questions. Stumbled on several questions. I have to admit that I'm really not good at Chem. Not naturally good.

You know, some people's talent/ability for a certain subject is natural. It's like they're gifted to ace that particular subject. This means they do not have to study that much to score well in it. I guess those are the ones who pay FULL ATTENTION in class.

Speaking of paying attention in class, I've not been doing so lately.

First, it's during Mathematics lesson. Being as talkative as I could, I practically yakked and yakked all period long with Zhenyi and Uziel while Miss Leong was teaching. Hahhahaa. Despite Miss Leong's attempt to shut me up with her 'Shut up', it proved futile. I just went on and on. I just found out that her lesson's best NOT to concentrate.

Then it's Chemistry. Ever since Miss Kho has completed the syllabus, lessons have become so dull and mundane - TYS and just TYS. I dislike TYS! I don't know why I don't like doing them. It's a good form of practice I know, it's showing you the possible O Level questions I know, but I just dislike doing it. Such irony.

To liven things up, KPDT Graduation Show's coming up in a month's time! 26th June, 7pm. Can't wait can't wait!

But before that, I seriously have to drop my pathetic script before I rejoice and anticipate the day. Can't really express my character well with a bloody ugly script in my hand.

Ohya, those of you who have not done my quiz on Fb, you'd better do it asap! Beware, cos it's difficult! So far, only Zhenyi has passed it. Hahahaha. You wouldn't wanna miss out the fun, hence try it! :DD

That's all for now, people. Till then!

029 夜把心洋葱般剥落
Friday, May 15, 2009 10:13 PM


I have been rather reflective these past few days. I have done a lot a lot of reflection before I sleep almost every night.

I think of my own abilities.
I think of my own potential.
I think of how far I can stretch.
I think of how much I've disappointed teachers.
I think of why I've not been improving for certain subjects.
I think of why my study strategies don't work at times.
I think, I think, I think.

After all the thinking, it leaves me nothing but 2 sentences:

"The amount of passion you develop for a
subject does not equate to your desired

I believe it's kinda true for some people. You may say, you love Additional Mathematics, but your results isn't a good match to your passion for it. Or somehow or rather, in the oddly amazing way, if you happen to loathe Physics a whole lot and still manage to score well at it, then I've to say you're a pure genius, or you're one Science freak. Ha ha ha.


Damn true, damn true. For me, I feel that it's the passion you develop in a subject that makes you constantly do revision. For me, revising for a subject I really like is a great pleasure, whereas revising for a subject which I totally dislike, is a tormenting struggle.

Take Physics for example. I've never liked Physics anytime this year. I guess it's because of my EOY results last year that caused my phobia for it. Many a time, I'll procrastinate my revision for Physics. Whenever I've homework for Physics, I always struggle quite a lot with it and I FEEL REALLY MISERABLE DOING THE TYS.

I feel that Physics is so difficult, it's making my love for it deteriorate. And you know me, I dislike studying for the subjects I do not like, so sighs. Told ya I'm prepared to flunk next Tuesday's Physics Mock Exam. Booohooo, yes I asked for it.

Many students moan upon mentioning the word 'study', feel totally demoralised when they don't achieve the results directly-proportional to the time taken to revise and grumble when they see their friends score better than them with less time spent for revision.

Ask yourself, have you studied enough? Or are you merely flipping through textbooks to search for so-called important definitions and formulae to memorise? How could you compare your laziness with others who APPEARS not to have studied hard for the exam and have scored way better than you? Search your conscience please, I'd say. Furthermore, HOW WOULD YOU KNOW IF THAT ASS-GENIUS FRIEND OF YOURS DIDN'T STUDY AS HARD AS YOU, OR EVEN HARDER THAN YOU?!?!

Weird. Senseless. Ridiculous.

I ain't pinpointing at anyone here. Just pointing out my views on the clear difference between studying 'breezely' and studying thoroughly.

Owell, moving on. I believe everyone has their favourite subjects. Of course, I have mine and I know all of you know what it is. Hhahaa. Needless to say, it'sssssssss


Yes yes I know you've guessed it, no prize for having guessed it correctly. During one of the nights of reflection, I've done my 'Favourite Subject Honour Roll'. Here it is.

1. Additional Mathematics [MOST favourable]
2. Elementary Mathematics
3. Chemistry
4. Higher Chinese
5. English
6. Social Studies
7. Physics
8. History [LEAST favourable]

I bet many are surprised why Chemistry is actually ranked higher than HCL. Hahaha, I don't know why, but my love for Chemistry has escalated significantly this year! I don't know whether is it Miss Kho or myself, but I've truly, deeply, madly fallen in love with Chemistry.

And of course, I enjoy studying for Chemistry since it's a subject I love. Hahaha. No surprise, Physics and History are at the pit-bottom of the list. It's an irony, because I'm a History student, yet I dislike History so much. I can't possibly be a Geog student, because I constantly failed it in Secondary 2. Hohoho.

From my honour roll, you can see which is the subject I enjoy studying for the most, and the most miserable one. Hahaha. :)

Okay, I've blogged a pretty decent entry about subjects.

Just sharing with you guys, MISS LEONG TOLD ME TO
SHUT UP today during her lesson.

As usual, I was chattering away with Zhenyi and Uziel during her lesson. Haha Idk why, but I enjoy talking during Miss Leong's lessons. And today, I was talking EXCEPTIONALLY LOTS hence Miss Leong couldn't take it anymore and she said,

"Yong Kian stop talking. Can you shut


HAHHAHAAHAHAHAHA OMG DEAD SILENCE IN CLASS IN AN INSTANT I SWEAR! Even I was shocked by it. Not that she exceptionally favours me, but I didn't expect that phrase to pop out of her mouth, lmao. Still, the tone was still softer compared to the one Uziel kenna. HAHHAHAHAHAHHAA!

But seriously, seriously, seriously, talking to Zhenyi and Uziel during Mathe lessons is DAMN NICE! If you don't believe, you can ask them! They'll definitely agree with me. Wheeeeeeeee :)

That made me delighted for at least half an hour I think.

After recess, received my Chem Mock Exam script back. Had several careless mistakes here and there. Lesson learnt: NEVER JUDGE THE QUESTION BY THE NO. OF MARKS. For instance, a question may require a two-part answer but only carries 1 mark. Grrrr. I lost like 2-3 marks cos of that, made my 'A' fly away totally.

Still, it's an indication to tell me NEVER TO STOP WORKING HARD FOR IT. Success never comes easily. You gotta work hard to achieve your goals. Hence, I shall work doubly, triply, quadraply hard during the June hols! Who wants to join in the fun? You're always welcome. :D

Guess I'm stopping here. Ciao.

028 跌跌撞撞才明白了许多
Saturday, May 9, 2009 8:59 PM

Hey world, I'm updating again yoohoo. :D I am in a pretty good mood now so I'm blogging.

Well, just gonna write some updates in school.

Recently, school is boring me out. I mean, the things I anticipate in school are getting lesser and lesser. In the past, I used to REALLY. SERIOUSLY. look forward to going to school. From getting up early in the morning to stop my alarm clock from ringing to the lessons in class, I enjoyed every bit of it.

I really did!

I recalled how I really anticipated going to school like mad. I could wake up smiling and then preparing myself for school exuberantly. Were the class and the stress level key factors that caused this? I really don't know.

Now, to reality, I don't feel like this anymore. In fact, I dread certain lessons. I mean I don't really like certain lessons to a certain extent. Hmm. Still, I love Mathe, Chem and HCL lessons but I've to admit HCL lessons're getting boring too.

Hmm. Speaking of HCL, I got back my HCL paper 2 yesterday. Didn't do too well. 65/110. However, after some checking of marks, I realised that Mdm Yong miscalculated my marks. By a freaking 4.5! So it should be 69.5 instead hohoho it couldav been 70 if not for my carelessness. Zzzzzz. I've to score better in Paper 1 to pull my overall marks higher. Really hope I can score well in baozhangbaodao cos I really put in damn lots of effort doing it. Like I added lotsa proverbs, idioms etc.


That's the only paper I've gotten back so far. Will be receiving English papers real soon I think. Think I'll flunk it again like how I did in CT1. Real bad. My Compo sucked a thrillion. :/ Never mind.

I'm enjoy songs-scavenging these days. I really really love Amei's 如果你也听说, BY2's 我知道 and now I've found another song I really love. 爱一直闪亮 by 罗美玲. It's really damn nice. If you haven't listened to it, go listen now! Youtube has it. Just copy the Chinese title and paste in the Search bar heehee. :)

I've also realised, singing does help me de-stress. Whenever I feel like taking a break in between my revision, I sing songs. Like literally sing out LOUD the songs I adore. Hence, I can memorise some lyrics pretty quickly and without having to look at the lyrics. Hahahaha.


Yeh, that's definitely an unchangeable fact. I shall keep singing and singing and disturbing my classmates till my very last breath. Hohohoho.

People sitting near me! I promise I won't sing the same song again and again I will try to sing more varied songs HAHAHA so bear with me okay. :)

Woooo, Sciences Mock Exams are coming real soon. Chem on Wed and Physics next next Tue. I'm really procrastinating my revision for Physics, I told you I really fear this subject. I know I'll definitely flunk this subject. :( But I don't want to disappoint Mr Koh. Loss.


On a totally different note, my last performance in Kranji is heating up right now! Like whooots, I can't wait for the day I perform. Though the audience ain't many (prolly Upper Sec Kranjians only),!!!

HOWEVER, I still have not dropped my script and I fear the time constrain (+ lack of rehearsals!) I wonder when I can memorise my lines entirely. :\

Hokay, I've run out of topics to blog about. I'm off to write my Chinese essay hahaha. :)